We are so excited to have you as our guest!
If you have children birth through 5th grade, save time for your visit on Sunday by registering your children ahead of time.
Leave your info and we'll reach out!
Join us online or on campus for worship on Sundays
We are so excited to worship together with you on campus and online.

Modern Service
8:15, 9:30, & 11am | Lower Auditorium
11:00am | Online
You’ll experience passionate, expressive, and authentic modern worship music.
Watch Modern Service live
Classic Service
9:30 & 11am | Upper Auditorium
9:30am | Online
Rejoice and worship through hymns, choir anthems, and choir solos at our Classic service online.
Watch Classic Service live
Our over-arching goal is to create environments that lead people to an encounter with the living God, who can transform their lives and give them purpose and hope.
You can tune in live to our worship services here: