LifeCourses are short-term small group studies designed to help you learn about and grow deeper in your knowledge of God.
LifeCourses are short-term small group studies designed to help you learn about and grow deeper in your knowledge of God.
“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight.” Philippians 1:9
Wednesday Night LifeCourses
Weekly | 6:30 pm

January 8 – May 14 | Room A291 | Cost: Free
Come join us as we dive into the book of Colossians. This book outlines Paul's letter to the Church at Colosse. Of all the letters sent out to the churches by Paul, this letter uniquely addresses not only the issues and doctrines of the church in the 1st century, but also has a direct application to Christians and churches in the 21st century. The book of Colossians will challenge you to walk closer with Christ and be "filled with the Knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding" and "seek those things above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God." Teaching: Lew Hayberg

Common Sense Apologetics
February 26 – May 14 | Room A178 | Cost: Free
The doctrine of Christ (Christology) is the study of Christ. We will explore the Biblical truths on 1) the person of Christ — Who is He? and 2) the work of Christ — What did He do? The person of Christ is preoccupied principally with the doctrine of the incarnation. The work of Christ is principally occupied with the doctrine of the atonement. The doctrines of the incarnation and the atonement lie at the very heart of Christian theology. It equips us to better understand, defend, and share our faith as we affirm the true humanity of Christ and his true deity. Teaching: Dr. John Hartman

Connect (Ladies)
Ongoing | Room A275 | Cost: Free
Women’s Ministry is offering a time when the ladies of BHBC can ‘Connect’. Time to share stories with each other, learn lessons and gain encouragement together as we navigate the challenges of life. Ladies are welcome to drop in each week. Teaching: Cindy Womack & Tracey McDaniel

Ongoing | Room A295 | Cost: $23
DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. In this video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making. Teaching: Gail Gross & Tammy Poteet

Fight for Our Wives
February 26 – April 2 | Room A181 | Cost: Free
The Fight for our Wives is a class for husbands to explore ways to fight for their marriages. This is not a class for those in crisis; this class is to prevent the crisis from ever happening. Teaching: Tyler Gwynn

The Forge Men’s Study
February 26 – April 2 | Room A276 | Cost: Free
The world doesn't need another strategy, it needs men who are devoted to Jesus and committed to helping others know and follow Him through lifelong discipleship. This study five-week small group study uses featured clips from the new Kendrick brothers' movie to ignite a passion for knowing Christ personally, following Him sacrificially, obeying Him willingly, and helping others become disciples of Christ. Teaching: Gary Cunningham

Fully Devoted
February 26 – May 7 | Room A287 | Cost: $12
This 10-week study challenges you to see the world as Jesus did and question how devoted you are to following him. Are you ready to begin inviting, teaching, and serving lost and searching people so they can follow him as you have? This discussion-based class will be followed by 5 days of personal studies between each weekly gathering, and you can access videos if you want. Teaching: CJ Crenshaw

Ongoing | Room A171 | Cost: $23
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Join seasoned leaders who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. Teaching: Wanda Crane & Lane Slaten

Midweek Prayer & Praise
Ongoing | Room A297 | Cost: Free
Join us for an hour of praise and prayer as we seek to encounter God and intercede for our church, community, and world. This open prayer gathering welcomes everyone—come as you are, whenever you can. No registration is needed. Each week includes worship, testimonies of God’s faithfulness, focused prayer for the biblical purposes of the church, Sunday services, pastors, ministries, leaders in authority, and the lost. Together, let’s pray for revival, spiritual awakening, and God’s transformative work in our lives and church. Teaching: Pastor Alan Folsom

Pastor’s Open Bible Study: Faith and Culture in the Modern eRa
February 26 – April 2 | Room A272 | Cost: Free
Designed to help Christ-followers stay rooted in biblical truth while navigating today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, we will delve into news stories, videos, research, and real-life examples that impact Christians. From cultural shifts and challenges to religious freedom to trends and theological debates, this series will equip you to thoughtfully engage with the world around you through a biblical lens. Grow in your faith and understanding as we explore the pressing issues shaping the Church and the Christian community today! Teaching: Mike Wynn

Special Connections
Ongoing | Room A294 | Cost: Free
This group is designed to be a safe space where parents raising children from infancy through adulthood with unique abilities can gather. Here they can share experiences, discuss challenges, access resources, find prayer and emotional support, and connect with others facing similar situations, or those who feel called to love and support those from this community. All this within a faith-based community that aims to provide understanding and encouragement through fellowship and the study of God’s Word. This semester, we will be guided by the study The End of Me by City on a Hill. Teaching: Stephen & Tina Taylor

Spiritual Warfare
January 8 – April 2 | Room A290 | Cost: $7
This course will take an in-depth look at the battle every Christian is involved in every day. We will look at who Satan is, how he works, what there is to know about demons, how we as Christians can stand against the devil’s schemes and how to live a life of victory.Teaching: Brian Foster
Weekday LifeCourses

Discovering Daniel
Tuesdays | January 7 – April 2 | 9:30 am | Room A172 | Cost: $7
In Daniel, we see God’s faithfulness to His own on brilliant display, as well as His incredible and perfect plans for the future. This workbook companion to Discovering Daniel offers a wealth of additional content to further enrich your study of Daniel, highlighting its strong ties to the book of Revelation and helping you abide in God’s sovereignty and love. In a culture fraught with fear and discord, Bible prophecy helps soothe our anxious hearts while deepening our trust in God’s providence and care. The Discovering Daniel Workbook will help you apply the remarkable insights of Daniel to your daily life, emboldening you to live with hope and confidence. Teaching: Mary Powers

Bible Study Fellowship
Tuesdays | Ongoing | 7:00 pm | Room A290 | Cost: Free
For centuries, people have attempted to unlock the mysteries of Revelation. In Revelation: The Hope, we will discover that Jesus Christ is central to every prophecy, promise, and passage. Revelation gives us hope of a world made new by the redemption and restoration that Jesus offers today and for eternity.

Wednesdays | January 8 – May 16 | 9:30 am | Room A290 | Cost: $17
There are so many life lessons to be gleaned from the olive tree! Flourishing: Lessons from the Olive Tree is 7-week study designed to help you remain steadfast in your faith, even in the midst of life’s challenges. Through a rich and immersive study of Scripture, you’ll discover the surprising ways the olive tree can inspire and empower you to thrive in every season. Teaching: Natalie Lee

Life Under the Sun
Fridays | January 10 – March 14 | 9:30 am | Room A172 | Cost: $15
Life is good — until it’s not. That’s when we ask, “Why am I here? Where do I find purpose and meaning?” This 8-week study of Ecclesiastes presents timeless truths and insights into the human condition, including accepting what you can’t control, the reality of suffering, and discovering goodness. Teaching: Brooke Shealy

Precept Upon Precept (Genesis)
Fridays | January 10 – May 16 | 9:30 am | Room A285 | Cost: $20
Observation: In this fifth part of our series on Genesis, observe a detailed exploration of the story of Joseph, focusing on themes of God’s sovereignty, redemption, and providence as seen in Joseph’s rise from slavery to a position of power and the reconciliation of his family. Interpretation: Discover the meaning of Genesis 37–50 in the context of Scripture. Application: Apply what you're learning to your life as you discover the truth for yourself. Preorder books in Media Center. Teaching: Sarah Elmer