
Encourage one another and build one another up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
I have a title, albeit over-used and under-appreciated: I am ‘Mum.’ Being British allows me the letter ‘u,’ and nothing could be more accurate. My life is not about ‘me’ but about ‘u’- my family - to whom I am called to encourage and equip.
Don’t stop reading now! I am not only addressing mothers, for there is a universal title that all women have been given: ‘Glorifier.’ We have all been created to do the same job - Glorify God!
But how can a woman who feels as if she has no extraordinary gifts or circumstances bring God glory?
Simply love Jesus and live each day for Him!
We all have people watching us, younger in the faith or years; their eyes are on us. Our behavior can determine whether they will honor or profane God’s word.
No pressure! There is power in the God-given capacity we have. In Titus, Paul affirmed that women need women, and that our love-filled lives would speak more than words. However, we must know Jesus, ground ourselves in Him, move beyond the disappointments, define ourselves as a servant, and relinquish control.
Before I continue, I wish to give credit where it is due. Susan Hunt and her book “Spiritual Mothering,” along with two years of mentoring at Broken Chains International with Allison Williams, had a profound impact on my awareness of the responsibility I hold as a Christian woman. Many thoughts shared in this post have become mine; but only after God introduced me to some incredible women.
Susan Hunt says, “Many women today are overwhelmed with the complexity of Life. They are floundering because they have no focal point. When their expectations are not realized, their emotional equilibrium erupts. When career, marriage, or children do not give them the security or significance they anticipated, their confidence evaporates. They are influenced by the unrealistic images of life and womanhood portrayed in the media. Their purpose in life is shaped by their desire to attain the personal happiness they are told they deserve. So, they are not only disappointed by unrealized expectations, they are defeated.”
I can bring God glory by ministering to those who feel defeated, for I have been there. I can be willing to take a phone call, to listen, to stop, and be present. Women long to be nurtured; 100 years ago, women did ALL of life together, but now we live in a world where Skype and Facebook are the closest some get to a support system. When they are encouraged, they rejoice and flourish; it pumps spiritual adrenaline into their souls. “Gracious words are like honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body” (Prov. 16:24).
Why are we not willing to minister?
Resentment, the product of a self-centered approach to life. The very fact that God has entered into a relationship with us should radically change the way we relate to others. We resent interruptions, and our own age, threatened by those who look, act, and seem younger/older. Instead, we should embrace each new life stage, helping to usher others into the same stage with grace.
Insecurity, lack of feeling safe; some retreat into a cave after experiencing pain while pushing to conquer the mountains they faced alone. We don’t want to risk getting involved in the lives of others because failure is real. Rejection, criticism, and guilt devastate. The Lord provides safety, and we must strive to do the same. For He will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; He will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock. (Ps. 27:5). Maybe you have been allowed to conquer that mountain so that you can show others it can be done.
The combination of spiritual maturity and life experience qualifies you to nurture, encourage, and equip. Don’t be fooled, it is not the same as pampering and indulging; we are not trying to be someone else’s god. Aim for a humble approach - not one that is passive or full of a syrupy sweetness, but one of rugged obedience.
Obedience brings our life under the authority of God’s Word; in it, we are able to offer verbal affirmation expressing kindness. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32) If you are seeking to grow and apply the Word, then you are qualified. You don’t have to be a theological expert or have reached ‘super sainthood.’
Connect with other women; exercise spiritual stewardship over each new day that God gives you.
Check out our website for more information on ways to connect through the Women’s Ministry.
Many blessings,
CJ Crenshaw